Friday 30 August 2013

Fashion Disaster- Shoes of the Capital New Delhi

Delhi is such a colorful city, people here are generally are well attired but look at their shoes…you will find them a walking disaster in the world….Boys who seems that they are out on the date wear pixie spiked shoes made of leather, girls out for their office wear wear beaded chappals with a formal shirt and pant, matrons wear ballerinas with a sari or salwar…. Shoes speak of your character and you must ensure that you put your best foot forward and here I think few understand this concept……When People applaud that Delhi is the Fashion Capital,I think they say that barring the shoes…buck up Delhi …Good shoes is not about brand…. It’s about a harmonious co-ordination…shoes reflect your character, are you sloppy,elegant
,sophisticated,plain lazy,charming,sober,decent,flirtish,a through professional,a fashion freak etc…so choice is yours..don't run to chandni chowk for cheap shoes but go to places like Reliance Footprint where during sales you get the best brands at an affordable rates….Costing Cutting is good but cutting out a poor figure due to shoes is not good so think over!!!